Grief is something you experience over and over and over again. It never goes away; it sorts of sticks with you like DNA. This past year has been challenging. Just when I thought I was leaving the year 2020 unscathed, happy, and moving on. One of my beloved friends leaves this earth; ironically, it felt earth crushing.
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Life is way too short to not have fun and take risks, just make sure you don’t hurt anyone in the process and all else will fall into place.
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It’s no secret that COVD-19 is a virus that has caused severe mishaps throughout our country, and some of us are worried about our health, the health of a loved one. Some of us are worried about economic loss. We are all thinking is this bioterrorism, an act of god, a mad scientist
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The number of minorities and the amount of generational trauma, poor upbringing, unhealthy living conditions and neighborhoods, poor parental supervision/guidance, substance abuse, broken homes, foster care and overall lack of emotional intelligence was devastating and most definitely led to the poor decision making that caused them to be incarcerated.
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I was in the middle of nowhere and there was nothing but land and high weeds. I was waiting at the bus stop waiting for the express bus & the bus came. I hopped on the bus but as I went to go sit down and looked out the window, I recognized some I knew running for the bus. I immediately got up and started yelling, “Stop the bus, stop the bus”. The bus was speeding and slowly came to a stop.
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When you hurt me, you hurt yourself
Don't hurt yourself
When you diss me, you diss yourself
Don't hurt yourself.
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As women we want to feel loved and have security, we hate to be alone and we are terrified of being single for long periods of time, I mean how can we not, we are naturally emotional creatures, we were placed on earth to love and nurture; but I’m going to fill you in on a little secret.
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We have to end this IMMEDIATELY! We have to raise our children with LOVE! It supersedes all. We have to raise our children on logic, knowledge, self-love, and temperament. We have to start respecting ourselves FIRST and our community SECOND. We have to stop thinking WE ARE OWED RESPECT when we are not respecting ourselves!
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Domestic violence is an increasingly concerning topic in our era. To start off this post I want to begin with some self-disclosure. I’ve been in two domestically violent relationships. One from the year 2006t to 2008 where I was the survivor and another from 2009 to 2013 where I was the batterer.
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The power of expectations create’s suffering rather than focusing on ourselves we look at the actions of others and this can create emotional turmoil. When you place expectations into the hands of others, you are ultimately giving them the power to control your happiness, as soon as this individual does not do what you expect them to do, your mood shifts and now anger and sadness arises.
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